About Us
Established in 2018, the Professor Kendall L. Simmonds, Sr. Legacy Foundation provides scholarships to USC students concentrating in the fields of finance and/or accounting and serves communities of color with a focus on Black/African Americans.
Becoming a Simmonds Scholar means connection to our program’s trifecta of Scholarship, Internship, and Mentorship with the resources to pursue your passion and advance into exceptional careers.
The Professor Kendall L. Simmonds, Sr. Legacy Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, was established in 2018 in advance of Professor Simmonds’ retirement after more than 30 years as a professor at USC Leventhal and Marshall.
The Foundation’s core values are centered around “standing in the gap” to provide financial relief to low-income families who demonstrate academic promise. We focus on providing critical support to USC students concentrating in the fields of accounting and/or finance.
Positive consideration may be given in the selection process to undergraduate & graduate students who advocate for and/or promote the African-American community.
To continue the legacy of Professor Kendall L. Simmonds Sr. by alleviating financial strain, serving our community, and assisting those in need.

Message from Professor Simmonds
Success is built on the intersection of education, practical experience, and the desire to excel. The Kendall L. Simmonds, Sr. Scholarship (The Scholarship) is committed to offering outstanding undergraduate and graduate students financial assistance while pursuing a college education at The University of Southern California (USC). I have served as a professor in the Leventhal School of Accounting and the Marshall School of Business for over thirty four years. During my tenure here, I have had the opportunity to serve in various capacities including faculty advisor to five different student organizations. I also developed a unique week long outreach program called the Summer Leadership Program (SLP) which ran each summer and was intended to identify and recruit students of color primarily from high schools in the USC surrounding communities. Many of the alumni of SLP graduated from USC and are now productive and successful citizens.
During the many years that I have worked in academia, I have had the occasion to interact with and evaluate the character and dedication of many aspiring young persons. I have been privileged to teach some of our most intellectually challenging students. Some of these students have achieved high levels of leadership in the accounting profession and in the business world. I believe that you too, if given the opportunity, can achieve at many levels of leadership both in your communities and in your respective professions.
USC is especially dedicated to creating programs that help develop strong ties to our local community. “When we do so,” according to former President Stephen B. Sample, “everyone wins—USC, our neighbors and the entire City of Los Angeles.”
The scholarship is funded by donations in honor of Professor Kendall L. Simmonds, Sr. It will be awarded annually to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the University of Southern California. Providing educational opportunities for underrepresented students is of particular importance. It is central to assuring diversity on campus and in the business world beyond our gates. The Scholarship is intended to support the university’s efforts to increase the number of underrepresented students pursuing careers in accounting and related business areas of emphasis.
The scholarship opportunity is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. Please refer to the additional information provided in the application packet for you reference. Be sure to follow instructions in order to minimize unnecessary delays.
Please feel free to contact with your questions at klslegacyfoundation@gmail.com or the USC Black Alumni Association at uscbaa@usc.edu
It is our hope that you succeed in your selected business field of endeavor.
Best of Luck and FIGHT ON!
Kendall L. Simmonds, Sr.
Professor (Emeritus) of Clinical
Leventhal School of Accounting
Marshall School of Business
Support Us
The KLS Legacy Scholarship Foundation succeeds through support from alumni participation as mentors and funding to support scholarships. Please consider supporting towards the scholarship fund or volunteering your time as a mentor to a Simmonds Scholar.
Contact Us
(805) 263-7308